Thursday, June 26, 2008

So, I had a bit of an Oprah moment yesterday. I'm not trying to rope anybody into charity stuff but I think this organization is pretty awesome so I just wanted to share info. provides small business loans to entrepreneurs in third world countries. I felt a soft spot for this fellow in Bilasuvar, Azerbaijan because he was selling car parts just like Matt, granted on a much smaller scale. I, in all of my geographical wisdom, had never even heard of Azerbaijan but found it's right next to Armenia. I did find the country's participants in EuroVision on youtube and it's worth a look. For the Americans who don't know what EuroVision is it's a song competition that brought us such artists as ABBA and Celine Dion. Check out other clips on youtube...great for a laugh! But I digress, I have my organizations that I love and just wanted to share with you guys!