Thursday, February 21, 2008

No Paint makes CB a dull girl

Oh the trials and tribulations of packing. I have managed to "misplace" (I refuse to say lose hoping desperately they are in a box somewhere) all of my watercolors. BOOOOOO!!!! I have at least five pieces drawn out and ready to paint which proves a bit difficult when there is nothing to paint them with. I will take this "opportunity" (isn't that a positive twist) to document my painting/collage process. People often ask what order I work in so I will show you here. The first piece I want to work on is my take on La Soiree, a show Matt took me too a few months ago. This is the piece in all of it's bare pencil glory. Next step is the watercolor which is ordered and hopefully on the way. Perfect time for me to work on my patience. PLEASE HURRY WITH MY PAINT MR. PAINT MAN!!!!