So our front door has become a new hang out for the neighborhood possums. One in particular is very friendly. Matt has named him (assuming it's a boy), Gavin. We normally have apples or bread but when Gavin showed up tonight the fridge was lacking in both. I was trying to improvise but I guess we have spoiled the little guys. I first gave him some rice cake but that was thrown on the ground. So I tried some broccoli. There was a tiny sniff but then that was also thrown on the ground. I ran back to the fridge and pulled out some oranges. Once again Gavin was not happy. I bit a piece in half and finally...success. He is so cute! He grabs whatever I give him with his little paw and then just sits on the branches and hangs out. I can't have a puppy but at least I have a possum that visits....even if he is a bit picky.