I can't say that Australia is known for super impressive ta

g lines. For example, "Victoria-The Place to Be." How long did it take for someone to come up with that. The worst has to be Docklands, "Where the City Meets the Water." Wow! That really took some thought. Regardless of the weak slogan Matt and I went down to Docklands to have a walk around. A beautiful wooden ship was docked and open for inspection. The Enterprize is a replica of a schooner built in 1830 used to search for a suitable place to settle in the Port Phillip area. The original brought the first settlers from Tasmania to Melbourne and later wrecked in 1847. This 2.5 million dollar replica was launched in 1997. School groups go out and experience sailing for several days. After carefully making my way below deck I started to get claustrophobic and was having a some issues with breathing. This mixed with sea-sickness would probably make for a bad sailor. It was nice to take a look while the ship was sitting still.
There is a co

ol mosaic of some of Australia's most loved entertainers which was made not only to showcase the show people themselves but Variety, a children's charity. During the Great Depression a baby was abandoned in a theatre in Pittsburgh, USA. A group of theatre owners who were all members of a social club called the "Variety Club" decided to support the child when no parents were found. The baby "Catherine" was adopted into a happy family and grew up to serve in Korea and Vietnam as a nurse. The group branched out to help other disadvantaged children and is now in 14 countries. Variety came to Australia in 1975 with Paul Hogan acting as the Chief Barker (Chairman).
The best thing about Docklands had to be the statues. So many statues, so many novelty shots!!!Matt wasn't the only husband being directed by his wife in pictures with the statues. There was another couple making the circuit with us. Matt says he is going to start a support group.