I wanted to take Lauren, Lindsay and Suzanne to Ballarat Wildlife P

ark for two reasons. One, it is hands down the best place to be with Australian animals ever. Two, I wanted to see Elliott. Elliott, Elliott, Elliott!!! His pictures are scattered around the house now that he is our foster Koala. I wanted to see him...BAD!!! But first we got to the Roos. Lauren was VERY popular with these marsupials. She was something of a kangaroo Pied Piper. We visited the quolls, wombats and even an albino wallaby.
Check out Matt's wingsp

an!! There is a beautiful eagle that lives at the park along with emus and a brolga. Matt's not too happy with the brolgas since I tried to make him get close to one for a picture and the brolga almost poked it's sharp beak into Matt's foot.
Lauren and Lindsay signed up for a koala photo. Matt and

I met Elliott last year when we did our koala photo. The koalas were all out playing in the nursery when we went over for the girls to meet Matilda. She is a twin which is very rare in the koala world. Her brother, Colah, was playing with all the other joeys. I thought one of these guys might be Elliott but their keeper, Natasha, told me Elliott was much bigger than this.
Lauren and Lindsay

had there picture taken with the little girl twin and Natasha promised to show me Elliott a little bit later. I really just expected her to point him out but it was so much better than that!! After doing a presentation and hauling a truck load of eucalyptus, Natasha took Matt and I into the koala area to see Elliott.
Elliot had gotten so BIG!
At first, he couldn't really be bothered to wake up which was fine since koalas really like their sleep...around 20 hours a day!

But then he let me tickle his foot.

He woke up a little more to say hi to Matt.

All the sudden he decided to come out and say a big hello.

Elliott's friends Milton and Anastacia (Matilda and Colah's Mom) were curious and came over to say hello too. I was in koala heaven!! They are the most beautiful creatures!! Natasha was telling us more about them and the park. It was impossible not to notice how much she loved her job and being around these wonderful animals. I was more than a little jealous of her getting to hang out with Elliott every day. She was so sweet and really gave Matt and I a really special time with our koala.