We took the train down to the Melbourne Aquarium. There was the 4 of us and about 3million school kids. We t

Suzanne an
d Lindsay were next up for a photo-op. Notice the look of sheer joy and contentment on Suzanne's face. She loved the Tiki god and the mildew smell inside of him. Good Times!! We did actually look at a lot of really cool fish, turtles, water snakes, and other sea creatures.

When we got to the big tank that was full of sharks and rays there were a few other people taking some interesting photos. One lady was posing like she was going to be in a Frederick's of Hollywood catalog inst
ead of by a fish. A mom with the shrillest voice I have ever heard was very loudly directing her four kids to sit still in front of the tank. After Harry (the youngest) messed up the picture a few times the mom seemed to give up telling one of her daughters that she looked like a fish. I couldn't help cracking up. The poor little Harry just kept sitting by the tank posing for a picture that wasn't being taken. We did learn one fun fact at the shark "listen & learn". More people are killed every year by falling coconuts than by sharks. Who Knew?

All and all, my favorite were the jelly fish. It could hypnotise you watching them float around and around. I want to go to the Pacific Island Palau and visit Jellyfish Lake. The jellies that live there have stingers but they are too small to affect humans. People can swim and dive along side the pulsing, gelantinous creatures and not be harmed.