There are three within a two block radius of my house. Sydney Road, Brunswick has at least twenty in ten blocks. High Street, Armadale has at least twenty-five in four blocks. It's insane! How many people get married in this city?? And it's not like there are alot of Quinceanera's to supplement the slow wedding season...the Latin population isn't that big over here. Matt and I went for a walk down High Street the other night and this little number certainly made me feel like I was going to a wedding in Savannah, Georgia circa 1983.
There was
another photo-op for Matt at the top of High Street. He acts like he doesn't like it when I get him to do cheesy, tourist photos but I know he secretly does. Here he is with Diana the Huntress, Goddess of the Moon. This sculpture, "The Sun and The Moon", was dedicated to the city as a universal symbol of human endeavor.