Monday, March 31, 2008

Chinese Spectacular

Melbourne has been covered with posters and fliers for the Divine Performing Arts Chinese Spectacular. Matt said I mentioned it about 546 times so we booked some tickets to go see it. All I can say is Matt gets to pick out the next show we go see. I enjoyed the costumes especially the way fabric is incorporated into dance and Matt liked the drumming. However, between every act two people came out to explain the next act and tell stupid jokes in both Chinese and English. I don't like having dance explained to me. It's a dance. Usually I can get the gist of the story and if not atleast enjoy the aesthetics. So you might think this would be to buy time for magnificent set changes. No,no. The "sets" weren't sets at all but super cheesy digital backdrops.
Then the mood shifted as the Chinese Spectacular became a spectacularly political demonstration. Evil whirling dancing men dressed in black with the red hammer and sickle of communism sewn on attack danced against the followers of Falun Gong beating one dancer until she flew away digitally to sit in a lotus flower with some monks and 100s of other Falun Gong practitioners. It was overly dramatic, bordering on ridiculous and the show started to drag on. Matt started huffing and looking at his watch which made me start laughing, try to contain my laughter and proceed to make some horribly loud honking noise. After the show finally ended Matt was a bit anxious to leave and in his rush out of the parking lot he just happened to gutter grip his wheel reeking much more havoc than I did to the other wheel. This brought the night to a perfectly harmonious end.