When I was making the decision to move to Australia I had two little fuzzy people to think about. I had lived with Laura and Coca for 11 years or I should say they were nice enough to let me live in their house. After meeting with my vet I decided the 24 hour trip and at least 30 day quarantine would just be too much for my kitties.
They have found a new home with my friend, Lara. When she moved over to Chicago from South Africa she had to give up her two cats. Her kitties were around the same age as mine and Coca fell in love with her from the first time they met. I know I made the right decision in giving them up and I know Lara is a great kitty Mom but I still miss them and I wondered if they missed me.
Many people say animals forget. My Aunt Jenell sent me this picture and video that made me think maybe my cats remember me a little. Evidently, these guys raised this lion in London. When he got too big they took him to Africa to an animal reserve. After a year they went to visit and were told Christian (the lion) wouldn't remember them.