When a transplant to a new country tries to learn to drive on the wrong side of the road this said driver might expect her fiance to be a kind and patient teacher. If this said fiance happens to be any of the following this driver may be wrong, petrol-head, motor-head, car enthusiast, motor aficionado etc, etc. Matt's main piece of advice when learning to drive on the other side is "passenger to the curb". So off we went. The plan was to drive to Sunbury. A block and a half later I really got the passenger on the curb, brand new rims grinding right against the curb. There were 57 different looks of horror on Matt's face as he jumped out of the car to check the damage (which I think is minimal and he compares to watching your dog be run over). I reached for the door handle ready to surrender the drivers seat, tears welling in my eyes memories of my sixteen year old self wrapping my Mom's blue station wagon around a tree and having to go home and face my (loving but die-hard car guy) Dad. Matt wasn't too mad. At least he tried not to be. Maybe I won't be driving in Australia after all.