Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Bottle Brush

My favorite flower used to be the purple flower of the artichoke thistle. Now I have fallen for a new flower or I should say group of flowers, the bottle brush. These flowering shrubs called callistemon are part of the myrtle family and can be seen all over Victoria in many vibrant colors. The native birds seem to like them too. These little black and white birds were having a field day in this bottle brush tree.

These plants are often represented in the art of Australians including Torres Strait Islander, Billy Missi. He was making a living as a diver, fishing for crayfish when he was inspired by other indigenous people to start making art. This piece's title, Sager Gubanu, is a Western Torres Strait dialect which means 'during South Easterly wind'. This painting depicts the season in May and June when red bottlebrush bloom and cormorant birds arrive to eat sardines around the shoreline.