Baba House Malaysian Restaurant is one of ma

ny Malaysian restaurants in Melbourne but they make a fantastic Char Kway Teow (translated "fried flat noodles"). This noodle concoction has a great sweet, smokey flavor with oodles of seafood. The only restaurant I know of in Chicago that serves this delicious dish is
Penang in Chinatown. It's pretty common here and relatively cheap. This may not be the best thing for the perpetual dieters of the world (myself included) because the fat content is relatively high. It was considered a poor man's meal and mostly sold or "hawked"on the streets of Malaysia by the same men who collected the seafood that went in the dish. I was looking up recipes and it looks a bit complicated to make but if any of you are game here is a link. wen

t out to Fitzroy Gardens to feed the possums...yes I love the possums. There weren't too many out last night. Only four or five came down from the trees and they were all pretty skittish. The big guy who likes to sit in Matt's lap couldn't be bothered with our raisin bread. Other inhabitants were out in plenty, the grey-headed flying foxes (a type of fruit bat) were flying around everywhere. These are some pretty large bats. They can have a wing span of up to six feet. They live in communes or "camps" of up to 200,000 and some studies suggest they favor eating the eucalyptus blossom making them major pollinators of eucalyptus. I loved watching them fly around over my head.