I thought it was a very admirable thing to do, acknowledging that a wrong choice was made by the government. Who knows what it means to the peop
le who were actually effected but hopefully it is a step in the right direction.

Matt and I went down to the Vic Market for the Night Market. There was a festival like atmosphere with tons of food stalls from every ethnicity imaginable. Huge pans of Spanish paella, bratwursts, Ethiopian dishes and french donuts. There was an African drumming group which played out front even when the rain started. All types of artists were selling there pa
intings and crafts. I bought some earrings made from pressed Australian flowers. There were booths set up with activities for kids like giant pads of paper they could paint on.

After the market we went down towards Fitzroy Gardens to participate in one of my favorite activities, feeding the possums.
There was a bit of a challenge in finding something to feed them. We stopped at a 7-11 to get this fruit bread they like. All I could find was regular bread so I decided to ask the guy at the counter. The conversation went something like this. Me-"do you have raisin bread?" Him-"increase price." Me-"ok" and then we stared at each other while I waited for him to go get the raisin bread which would be more expensive than the regular bread. I tried again. Me-"do you have raisin bread?" Him-"increase pri
ce, yes." blink, blink, more smiling and staring. Me-"ok then, I will just take the regular bread." Him- "increase price, yes." I left sans fruit bread and very confused. I related the conversation to Matt who just laughed. The prices of bread have gone up so he must have thought I was making a comment on the price "raising" not understood I was asking for "raisin". Sheesh!!!! I was happily successful in my quest for "raising" bread at the next 7-11 and we were off to visit with the possums. Some of the little guys are very friendly. This big fellow here eventually crawled right on up in Matt's lap. He wasn't scared at all, Matt on the other hand looked a tad nervous. I love the possums.