Colleen Rush took me to Tank Noodles on Argyle for the first time a

few years ago for a lovely selection of Vietnamese Pho(noodle soup) and delicious tidbits. Having always been a fan of Thai Iced Tea I decided to try Tank's version. I ignorantly made fun of the gigantic straw and dove right in only to be surprised when a huge gelatinous bead flew into my mouth. "Swallow it", was Colleens advice upon seeing the very surprised look on my face. HEAVEN!!!! Thai Iced Tea blended and filled with large tapioca balls. I have been an addict ever since. I was determined to find bubble tea here in Melbourne assuming it couldn't be too hard considering the vast Asian population in Australia. Matt suggested we take a drive down to Springvale, a predominantly Vietnamese neighborhood with a less than stellar reputation, there has been some clashing between the Vietnamese and the newly immigrated Sudanese. I loved it!!! Springvale is Argyle times 100. As far a

s vegetable shopping goes we hit the mother load. Grocery shopping in most of Melbourne is EXPENSIVE! but Springvale is stupid cheap. I was happily snapping up bags of spices and beans for a dollar a piece. GOOD STUFF! More importantly bubble tea was everywhere. We got ours from a very expressive, cheerful man possibly made more hyper due to some chemical enhancement. There just happened to be a noticeable ring of white powder around the inside of his nostril...hmmmmmm. Either way he was very friendly and I got my bubble tea. YAY! We toured around buying bits and pieces of fish and veggies. I even got a recipe for bitter melon from one of the ladies working in the shop. I was also able to find okra which no Australian I know has ever eaten. Regardless of the dodgy reputation I thought Springvale was fantastic with everything for sale from fabric to kitchenwares and the people couldn't have been nicer.
Tomorrow should be an interesting day in Australian histor

y. Kevin Rudd, the new prime minister, is scheduled to apologise to Australia's Aboriginal population more specifically those referred to as
The Stolen Generation. "The Stolen Generation (or Stolen Generations) is a term used to describe the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, usually of mixed descent who were forcibly removed from their families by Australian government agencies and church missions, under various state acts of parliament, denying the rights of parents and making all Aboriginal children wards of the state, between approximately 1869 and (officially) 1969. The policy typically involved the removal of children into internment camps, orphanages and other institutions." I will let you know how this goes tomorrow. As a little extra, if my spelling is abysmal the spell check is flubbing up on
blogger. I never was one of those kids in line to win a spelling bee.