Wednesday, February 20, 2008
The Proper Use of Paper
Workplace Agreements have been a hot subject si
nce I came to Australia last June. Most working people didn't seem too happy about these individual plans. I am certainly not an expert but they sounded a little fishy to me. Individuals could have many rights, privileges and wages readjusted or taken away by their employers and nothing was sounding too fair. Being in a strong union for ten years these "agreements" honestly made me cringe. If Kevin Rudd standing up to say "I am sorry" to the Stolen Generation wasn't enough to make me love him what he is doing this week certainly is. According to The Melbourne Herald Sun "At a Canberra factory yesterday the PM and Workplace Relations Minister Julia Gillard sent tens of thousands of glossy WorkChoice pamphlets to be pulped and made into toilet paper". That is one way of letting the opposition know what the new Prime Minister thought of their Workplace Agreements. Toilet Paper!!! I Love The Politics in Australia!