Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween BBQ

Saturday was our Halloween BBQ in the Rocketship park. We had a fantastic time! There was a high concentration of bumblebees (not the little flying kind but the human variety). The weather was nice and overcast but I somehow managed to come home looking like a lobster. Must buy sunscreen.
I had a great time making lots of Halloween treats like chocolate witches hats, orange rice crispie treats and witch finger cookies.

The pinata was the high light for the kids. As a child I saw at least one incident with a pinata stick so I was prepared for safety steps in the pinata arena. I did have to duck and weave a few times to keep from getting belted in the head. I however did forget about the feeding frenzy that occurs after the pinata has been destroyed and the candy goes flying everywhere. Good times!

For my last Halloween-y thing for 2008 here is an illustration called Trick-or-Treaters from one of (I think) the best illustrators ever, Gris Grimly. To see more of his work visit