Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ricketts Point

October 26 is the day Matt and I met two years ago. To celebrate our "meeting" anniversary Matt took me out to breakfast down at a cafe by Ricketts Point. Part of Port Phillip Bay, this marine sanctuary is full of rocky tide pools and sea birds. There was a bit of a jellyfish massacre going on. Dead jellies were everywhere which made for a tricky walk along the beach.

This area was very popular with the Heidelberg School which was an Australian art movement in the 1880' and 1890's. Charles Conder painted Ricketts Point in 1890. He was born in England and was shipped off to Australia by his father in an attempt to curtail Conder's love of painting. Life in Australia actually had the opposite affect with Conder becoming one of the main artists in the Heidelberg School before heading of to Europe to continue his career and pall around with the likes of Toulouse-Lautrec.

We went to walk along the beach at Brighton which has colorful cottages situated all along the coastline. The beach was lovely but the flies were out in force. I felt like one of those kids in the Save the Children commercials. Flies were everywhere crawling and buzzing. I guess that's all part of the Australian summer that I have to look forward to. Yay!