Morgan Hayton is a very inspiring 16 year old who has come up with a clever idea to help a school in Fiji build a library collection for their children. Here is his message from his facebook page, Books for Fiji.

"My name is Morgan Hayton I am 16 years old. I have spent my winter school holidays for two years in Fiji volunteering at local school as part of my schools mission team. We visited a very remote school that is struggling and has only a handful of books in the whole school, the teachers there can only dream of starting a library. Have you ever wanted to change the world? But think it is impossible because we are just one person me too. But then I came up with this idea. We are going to build a library together One person, one book at a time. One person can't build a library but if everyone that gets into this group gets a book from their bookshelf (they don't have to be new) and posts it to Fiji we can do it together. We can build a library together."

Morgan asks that you take a new or used book, write a little something about yourself in the front cover and mail the book over to Fiji. The address is
Namara Village District School, Box 415, Nausori,FIJI. I think this is an incredible idea and if everyone sends one book this school can have a fantastic library very soon.