First there is my lovely brother, Chris, who is "clapping it out"
in Nashville and does everything there is to do with music. And is just lovely...did I say that already? I realized today he even has his own Wikipedia page (did you make that yourself Mister?) I want one! Someday maybe when I do something like discover the cure for all koala diseases. And I digress again....

Laura Mino
r and I have been friends since we first worked with Young Life in Jacksonville. There were many nights at Einsteins and even more in college including this one where we got into my supplies for make-up class. I tried to go to one of her shows outside of Chicago once but the World Bank people just happened to be in town on the same night and the roads were all blocked by cops in riot gear...looked more like StormTroopers from StarWars. Laura has a beautiful voice and we hopefully may be working a little non-musical project together in the future.

Craig Crofton and I went to high school together. I knew he
was working with saxophones in the UK but not until recently that he had a band, CCQ. They are really good, serving up a mixture of such a variety of styles it's hard to categorize but definitely fun to listen to. Not that this is a surprise. Craig was always a really talented musician.

And my las
t musical pick for the day, Damian Williams, the night swimmer extraordinaire. Damian was rocking the piano on the first night I ever went out with Matt. I have watched many a girl swoon over Mr. Williams at Zebra and rightfully so. He is definitely swoon worthy. "Live Lovely"?? Sounds suspiciously like a tattoo I designed for Cass, Mr. D!! Which came first the song or the ink?