Go 30 minutes outside
of Melbourne in any direction and you hit any number of little country towns that are wonderful to wander around. Our first stop was Kyneton. There is a lovely little main street with antique shops and cafes. We wandered into a wool factory and an art fair but the main attraction of the day was a dog show. I had never been to a dog show (only seen them on tv)and stood out like a sore thumb. First, we were missing the main accessory. Sans dog we looked very suspicious. Secondly, I had that stupid, happy, I wanna pet the pretty puppy look on my face which was obviously repellent to these show people who took this very seriously. I do love to watch the people run with their dogs. It always makes me laugh. The dogs normally look rather graceful but the people..not so much.

We continued on to Castlemaine which is a beautiful little town. We stopped into
a pub for a traditional Sunday roast forgoing Capone's. No matter where I go there always seems to be a pizza place named after Al. I have a photo of Angela under a Al Capone's pizza sign in Prague.

We fou
nd what I think is the best art gallery I have been to since coming to Australia. Heron's Gallery is situated in a gorgeous old building that has been home to a hotel, surgery and apartments. It's worth going to the gallery just to look around the building. The collection of art that is there just makes the whole experiences that much better. There is some really beautiful work. My favorite was a print of cicadas by Geoffrey Stocks. Check out their website http://www.heronsgallery.com/

We went on along to Hanging Rock. I don't know why I (and
many others) have been so fascinated by the place in relation to the dreadful book, Picnic at Hanging Rock. The book was painful and yet I am still fascinated by the story and I know it's not true!! When Matt was little he said they used to run around looking for the missing girls who supposedly disappeared in 1900. It's been an urban legend since the books release. I was recently reading more about the book and the legend it created and found information that originally the author had a last chapter that solved the mystery. The publisher told her to leave it out. Good call on the publishers part. I think if people read that the missing girls had actually transformed into lizard like creatures and slipped into a hole in the time space continuum the book wouldn't have been so popular. The mystery would have been ruined. Regardless of the book the actual place is breathtaking in more ways than one.
I am really trying to
get out there and do more nature walks. I don't really find warning signs with little stick men plummeting to their death encouraging but up we went anyway. About half way up I was definitely puffing so I told Matt to go ahead. I needed to heave in breath privately. Between my breathing I heard some crunching and looked over to see a little wallaby lounging in the tall grass eating away. So my lack of fitness led me to have a lovely encounter with a wallaby. I am trying to take a positive spin on this.
I was again held up on my way to the top by a large gro
up of tourists including one lady who foolishly wore 2 inch lucite heels for her climbing adventure. By the time I made my way up there Matt was basking on a rock like the guru at the top of the mountain.
whole Park is called Hanging Rock but there is actually one specific "hanging rock". Here is Matt doing his part to hold it up.
The view from the top was fantastic. Huge rocks everywhere more accurately called mamelon (literally translates to "nipple") Here's some info from the official website."Said to be the best example of a volcanic plug or mamelon in the wo
rld. It consists mainly of soda trachyte rock (solvsbergite), found only outside this district in Norway and Sweden. Since its formation, the mamelon has been exposed to considerable weathering and erosion, resulting in a conglomeration of unusual rock formations that can now be seen on the site."
There were lots of wildlife sightings along the way including the wallaby, a koala sleeping high up in a tree, lots of bunnies and fairy wrens, a BIG kookaburra and a kangaroo with a baby in her pouch. All and all it was a day of bumbling at it's best.