I w

as watching a documentary on Tito (Yugoslavian leader) and there was a man talking about the atrocities of his life. I stopped listening because I was so taken by a painting behind him. I started to say something and Matt said "that painting's really cool." His name is Aldred Pal and it was his work. I have looked and looked on the internet but there is very little info about him at least in English. I found a few images of his work but the selection is much less figurative than the work shown in the film which reminded me a bit of Francis Bacon. There is a documentary about Pal called "2020-1920" but I can't find a way to rent/buy it. He didn

't have an easy life. He lost his whole family in the concentration camps of WWII then spent 8 years in the communist prison camp, Goli Otok in Croatia. Most of the rest of his life was spent under constant surveillance. I would love to find both the documentary and more examples of his work so if anyone knows any more about him please let me know.