The next m
orning Matt and I decided to go for a little hike to make up for our Saturday of sloth and gluttony. We took a path around the Yarra River which was a little higher than I would have liked but I forged on. There were Rosellas flying around and a kookaburra in the trees.
I felt like I was in Ireland or at least I should have been because
there were shamrocks climbing all the way up the hills we were walking through. Matt started rambling about how some Irish person probably dropped seeds at some point and these evil shamrocks may be eating up native plants. We had shamrocks in Florida but who knows. Australians get very feisty about non-native plants.
After o
ur little hike it was time for my first volunteer day at Droomkeen in Riddell's Creek. This was the best volunteer job I have ever had starting with a surprise glass of champagne. I spent the afternoon with two absolutely lovely ladies Lee Fox and Glenda Millard, who are both authors of picture books and novels. I got to read both of their pictures books and they are wonderful!!! If anyone is looking for some books to get their little ones these ladies do fantastic work. We had a lovely afternoon looking at books and talking to a few visitors. It's
always a fantastic day when peacocks are around and they definitely were. I love Dromkeen! For those of you who live in Melbourne definitely check it out!! http://www.scholastic.com.au/common/dromkeen/