This little guy has been dubbed "Lucky" after he survived an unexpected car trip near Brisbane. He was hit by a car going 100km(60mph) an hour and got his little head stuck in the grill. His ride lasted 12km(7m) before people alerted the driver who was unaware of the koala dangling from the front of the car. Some rescuers unstuck the koala using household scissors like a miniature version of the "jaws of life". After a few hours of tender loving care at the animal hospital Lucky was sitting up and eating. At the hospital it was discovered that Lucky had koala chlamydia which has been a huge detriment to these marsupials. He is receiving treatment and will be released back into the wild in around 45 days. It is coming up on Koala mating season so these little guys are more likely to be out on the roads...be careful out there!