At first sight Australia and America really
e very similar ( minus the marsupials and the accents). It is the little things that make me know I am in a foreign country. ANZAC day is tomorrow which is like Memorial Day in the US except Australians are much more enthusiastic about remembering their veterans than anywhere I experienced at home. Not to mention the biggest footy game outside of the grand final is played on Anzac Day. There is one other little tidbit that I find interesting, Two-Up. This is a betting game that is only legal on ANZAC Day. That's right, patriotism
thru gambling. Two-up is played by any number of players, standing in a circle and flipping two coins "a reasonable distance (approx. one meter) above his head" hoping to "spin" two heads or tails depending on the bet. According to, these are the terms one needs to know to play two-up.

BOXER: Person handling Spinner's money
SPINNER: The player who tosses the coins
COCKATOO: Lookout who warns players of police raids
KIP: Flat piece of wood used to toss coins
All though illegal, two-up was played extensively by Australia's soldiers during World War I and games, to which a blind eye was cast, became a regular part of ANZAC Day celebrations for returned soldiers. All
proceeds from two-up games on ANZAC Day are supposed to go to charity. I really hope to find a game being played tomorrow so I can do a little patriotic "spinning" myself.