sanctuary for native wildlife such as th

Fitzroy is also home to Captain Cook's Cottage. James Cook was a Captain in the British Royal Army and thought to be the greatest explorer and cartographer of the 18th century. He explored Australia's east coast and circumnavigated N
ew Zealand disproving Aristotle's theorized continent, Terra Australis. He added many new islands and accurate coastlines to European maps. The cottage was from Yorkshire and is believed to be where the captain spent his childhood years. In 1933 the structure was dismantled and shipped to Melbourne in 253 packing cases. The lady who sold the Cook family home to Melbourne did so grudgingly as she wanted the cottage to remain in Britain. She was persuaded since the cottage would be staying in "the Empire".

Another favorite in the ga
rdens is the Fairies Tree by Ola Cohn. Ms. Cohn carved her sculpture into the trunk of a dead 300 year old red gum tree, making gnomes, fairies and many Australian animals. She dedicated this sculpture "for the fairies and those who believe in them." Many years later the tree was pulled out of the ground for preservation work. A 40 year old mummified brush tail possum was found perfectly preserved in the trunk.