As a

rule I didn't really want to post anything sad on my blog but I am breaking that rule for a good reason. Last October, weirdly enough the day I met Matt, I found out the dermatologist Phyllis and I saw had been brutally murdered. Dr
Cornbleet was a character for sure. Walking into his office in Chicago was like walking into a small town doctor's many years ago. I loved that my information was not typed into a computer but written on a 3x5 card. More importantly he was very kind. I went to see Dr.
Cornbleet when I was having horrible skin allergies and had no insurance. He not only helped me clear up my allergies but charged me very little and gave me samples since he new I didn't have insurance to pay for prescriptions.
Now Hans Peterson has turned himself into police in in the French Caribbean island of Saint-Martin admitting he killed Dr. Cornbleet. He only did this after gaining French citizenship so he won't be extradited. Under French law the maximum sentence he can receive is twenty years.
Cornbleet family is asking for help writing to gain senators attention. Since Dr
Cornbleet was always so nice to me and his family has been trying so hard to gain peace in this situation I thought I could do my part and put the word out. His son, Jon, has put all the necessary information on his
MySpace page.
Thanks and I promise only happy touristy stuff from now on!!!