I was even happier we left when I read on to discover the second act consisted of a graphic rape scene. Must be those "adult themes" Maddy was asking about. I don't like to watch movies with scenes like that so I am surely happy I was spared that operatic experience. I was much happier feeding possums.
On Sunda
y we went with Alan and Cheryl (she is such a trooper being 7 months pregnant and all) on a nature hike in Sunbury. Alan and his dog Knarkle take this route almost everyday around 5am. We, luckily, decided to go a little bit later. There were Rosellas out and some Galahs. We unfortunately didn't see any Cockatoos. There were many Milk Thistle plants that had gone to seed. Thistles are my favorite flowers but the plants still looked pretty to me in their dried out state. Yes, I love weeds. Alan thought they may have been imported to Australia but according to The Medical Journal of Australia they grow naturally here. We kept hiking along looking for some Roos. Alan pointed out what looked like either a sheep or goat up on a paddock but mentioned that was odd since there were never any sheep in that specific field. As we got closer we realized it wasn't either but an incredibly rare albino kangaroo. Alan had seen hi
m before but told me they were hardly ever seen out in nature. We couldn't get close enough for me to take a decent picture but it was amazing to see him with my own eyes and not in captivity. When I was looking for a picture to use here the only albinos were in zoos and reserves. I borrowed this one from Australian photographer Simone Byrne. I wanted to get a picture of my own so I took off up this insanely steep hill determined to get closer to the illusive white roo. I started running but that lasted all of 30 seconds. By the time I got to the top I was painting like a dog in the dessert and could have easily thrown up. Of course the albino roo had kindly decided to hop off DOWN the hill. I was still so excited that I was lucky enough to see him. The climb was worth it anyway for the beautiful view of the hills and I could even see the city off in the distance. When we were climbing down the hills there was a ri
dge that Cheryl got to first. She called me over and there were tons of roos. They all started hopping down thru the hills. It was magnificent to watch these awesome animals cover the same amount of terrain it had taken me at least a half hour to cover in seconds. Knarkle bounded on down the hill in true doggy fashion after the Roos. Because of my little detour up the big hill we had t
o cross the creek at a different point which was something of an old car graveyard. Some of the cars had been in the bottom of the creek bed so long trees were growing thru them. I, of course, was the only one who slipped around and got my feet covered with mud. Alan wrapped up our fantastic day with a traditional Sunday Australian roast with leg of lamb, potatoes, pumpkin and other veggies. Alan is quite the cook I must say!! And lots of thanks to Knarkle
for being the best tour guide dog ever!!!