Hello All from Down Under!
Since I am not always the very best about sending out emails I figured I would keep a blog while I am down here. Matt and I have only been here since Monday and already things have been fantastic. I have a few new roommates and we have been getting to know each other quite well. Three frogs, three turtles and lots of fish. So far everyone is still alive. Unfortunately one of the fish has mysteriously lost an eye. I will assume lost into the unmerciful snapper of one of the turtles.
The first froggy feeding was an experience. Since I happen to be one of the few people in the world who actually likes bugs feeding the frogs live crickets wasn't exactly high on m

Tuesday, We had an all together different animal

visited Ballarat Wildlife Park. This place was by far the coolest animal sanctuary I have ever been to! As soon as you walk into the sanctuary all you see is kangaroos laying around the grounds. We bought bags of food then proceeded to feed and pet and hugs LOTS OF ROOS!!! I was in animal heaven. They were so calm and gentle. The roos would put their hands in your hand to eat. There were quite a few mom's with joeys in their pouches. The kangaroos were free to roam all over the sanctuary. If they got tired of people there were areas they could wonder off to that human visitors were not allowed. If I was ever sad or upset about anything this place would

After the Roos we visited the Koalas. In Victoria it is against the law to let tourists hold koalas since it tends to stress them out and make them sick. However, the park did allow a supervised visit with a koala where you can feed them and have a picture taken. They only seem to allow a few of these a day in order to

Matthew was very popular with these little guys called Quokkas.

We went to see the wombats and the girl, Coco, kept sneaking away from her keeper to say hello to the crowd. She obviously loved all the attention. One lady called her the Paris Hilton of wombats. She was rescued when a concerned driver pulled over to the side o

So....this is the first of my Australian adventures. I will post more soon. Miss all you guys!!! XOXOX CB