Friday, September 4, 2009

Septmeber is SAVE THE KOALA month

Anyone who looks at this blog knows I have fallen madly in love with koalas (especially Elliott). September is SAVE THE KOALA month. Their habitat is being destroyed causing over crowding and disease. Roads are being cut through their forests not only destroying their homes but bringing cars into the picture. It is estimated there are less than 100,000 left in the wild and if the land keeps disappearing they could be extinct in 10-20 years. Sam, the koala who became an international symbol of the Black Saturday fires may have survived the fires but died from a disease that is running rampant in the koala community because of overcrowding. There are many things you can do to help! The Koala Campaigners write letters to politicians who are supposed to protect our wildlife (be careful of the sealed section of the website!!! lots of really upsetting pictures!!!)Or you can help by fostering one of these beautiful creatures. Thanks Everyone!!!