There was mo

re to Brisbane than just koalas (I know it's hard to imagine!!) We also saw a sheep dog demonstration which was really interesting. The closest thing I had seen to sheep dogs working was the movie
We a

lso caught the tail end of a free big band concert at Customs House. Matt and I were walking down by the river and I kept hearing really great swing music so we snuck around to take a peek. The band was great and the building itself, built in 1886, was very beautiful.
We took a drive down to the Gold Coast, got out of the car and got right back in the car. It was stinky both literally and figuratively. So many people vacation there and I suppose the theme parks are a draw but i

f I never go back that will be fine with me. Matt did try and take me to see some dugongs (Australia's answer to the manatee just with a bigger nose). The signs leading to the allusive Southern Moreton Bay drive were less than accurate. One would point north then the next one was pointing back the opposite direction. I felt like we were getting directions from the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz. We ended up in a neighborhood with no sign of the coast. It was a dugong free day to say the least. We almost ran out of petrol which would have been a great top off but we happily coasted into a gas station just as panic mode was setting in.
I think Matt's favorite thing about Brisbane was the REALLY BIG beer
