e made a pit stop in Glenrowan, home of Ned Kelly's last stand and more importantly home of Linda's Billy Tea Rooms. Linda is an absolute doll of a lady who makes the most beautiful damper bread ever. We popped in for some damper and coffee and a quick picture of Matt as Ned Kelly.
The next stop was Rutherglen to pic
k up some meat pies from Parker Pies. Australians LOVE their meat pies!! Parkers makes the best in Victoria and has over 85 awards to prove it. Theses aren't your average pies either. There is emu, buffalo, kangaroo and crocodile pies. I went for the crocodile. Luckily they can sell them to you frozen because after Linda's damper there wasn't much room for pie. We had them for dinner the nex
t day and the croc was delicious!!
The Cobram area is great for the odd tourist picture. Who new the giant strawberry and the giant Murray cod were within 20 minutes of each other??