I love Port Douglas! It is one of my all time favorite places on the planet. "Where the Reef meets the Rainforest" is the
ir little catch phrase and it's absolutely true. It is incredibly beautiful up there and so relaxed. Of course going snorkeling is my favorite activity! The one down side to going this time of year was it was the end of high Stinger season. Since certain types of JellyFish are deadly up here there are these lovely, skin tight suits you have to wear to keep safe. I must say I have never felt more attr
active in my whole life. It was well worth it to be able to get in the water. We made some special fish friends. The massive Maori Wrasse was very social and liked to swim right up next to us.
Yes I a
m a 35 year old lady but I must admit I got totally excited when I found Nemo!! Matt had already seen the clown fish swimming in and out of the anemone but I failed to notice them until our second swim out. There really was a little, tiny, baby Nemo swimming around with his Mom and Dad. He is on the left side of the photo.
The giant clams are also a favorite. They are so amaz
ing. Matt really liked this one and it's "blue lips" as he called them. If you swim down close to them they sort of close up. They can live over 100 years and weigh over 400 pounds.
This li
ttle striped guy was probably our best fish friend. He kept swimming up to Matt and I and hanging out beside us. Very cute!There was a semi-submersible that we rode around in as well where we saw a group of squid swimming by and a giant puffer fish.
Fish weren't the only creatures we got to see up in Qu
eensland. We took a Daintree river cruise and saw a few scaly guys I had no desire to swim with. There were quite a few salt water crocodiles hanging out along the banks of the river. We saw one that was two weeks old.
Fish weren't the only creatures we got to see up in Qu
And one that w
as almost 100 years old. I am rather scared of alligators and crocodiles but it was pretty awesome seeing these guys out in the wild. It reminded me of my younger days on the Okeefenokee.
We also stopped by the butterfly sanctuary in Kuranda
. I LOVED this! There were caterpillar nurseries and everything. Each day one of the entomologists had to feed the tiny baby caterpillars leaves and clean their dish until they were old enough to move to a full on branch.
other thing I love about Port Douglas is the super fresh seafood (I know it seems bad making friends with them then eating them) and the exotic fruits that are available up there. We bought scallops right off the fishing boat. We were both a little stumped when they came in the shell. I had never cleaned scallops before but it wasn't too hard and they were Deeee-Licious! There is an exotic fruit farm that does tours and tastings but unfortunately they were closed until the day we were leaving. I was still able to wrangle a collection of apple custar
d, dragon fruit and passion fruit. Hopefully next time we can go to the farm.
One other thing I like about Port Douglas is there are PLENTY of opportunities for Cheesy Tourist Photos! Here I am hugging a plaster cassowary.
And Matt in the Big Barramundi Garden.