I feel I was lead to Australia under false pretenses. My dear

husband made big, bold statements about the weather in Australia being much less severe than any where in the world. He must have temporarily forgotten about the ten year drought. Since I have moved here there have been cyclone warnings with massive floods up in the north. You all saw on the TV the horrible tragedy that occurred with he bush fires after a record breaking week of heat. The wind gets pretty crazy here. The wind was so bad one day I saw a metal plate fly off a restaurant sign and come inches from cutting off a girls arm. No severe weather here.
Last night Matt was watching NASCAR in the living room so Bosley (who we are doggy sitting for the weekend) and I were in the bedroom watching anything else but NASCAR. I am laying there minding my own business when the room starts shaking. THE ROOM WAS SHAKING!! Matt said "it must have been a truck driving by." Not so much, Earth Tremor would be more like it. 4.6 on the Richter scale. My first quake....good times. While reading about earthquakes in Australia I was certainly pleased to see this map of heavy landslide occurrences. FALSE PRETENSES!! Oh well, at least there are really cute animals.