Yesterday was an absolutely beautiful day outside, all sunny but not too hot. Matt a

nd I were doggy sitting Bosley and decided to go have a little sausage sizzle down at the Yarra Bend Park. We shared our bbq with a lovely family from Chile and had a very nice picnic. Tara (Bosley's Mom) got off work early and came and met us. That's when I decided to rent a row boat. I may have bragged a bit about my rowing abilities that may or may not exist. So off we went. Well, not only was I a horrible rower but I almost tipped the boat over. Matt took over the rowing and sat in a massive puddle of wet jeans. It was great fun tho

ugh and at least I didn't completely fall in. Me getting soaked wouldn't have been so bad but if I took my purse (including camera, phone, passport, etc) with me that would have been tragic especially if all of that ended up at the bottom of the Yarra River. Fortunately it was only the bottom half of me that got drenched.