We went up to Canterbury for c
arols in the park. I was making fun of a spelling mistake in the program. "Noel" was spelled "Nowell". Turns out it is an English way to spell it. Never seen that before. Nobody really sang along with the carollers where we were sitting but Matt and I did a bit. There was a choir from Tonga that was quite good. I am going to be taking a "blogging" vacation but will be back in 2009. So to everyone MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Christmas Fun
Matt and I spent yesterday finishing up making and buy
ing Christmas presents. I have been a little Scrooge-esque about getting a tree. Matt spotted a tiny tree and pointed out it was only $4.50 so we got it. We decorated out little tree and it was perfect for the amount of ornaments we have. Matt was very happy and I must say our little tree is very cute.