We also went over to Docklands to check out the new ferris wheel, the Southern S
tar, that is due to open soon. It looks like the London Eye but is a little bit smaller (a big point of irritation with Matt). For me the Eye was an exercise in terror. It was a beautiful view but my serious fear of heights made it really un-fun. I probably won't be rushing out to repeat the experience on the Southern Star.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Christmas Decorations
Much like
Marshall Field's in Chicago, Myer has the big window displays for Christmas. We went downtown with Barry and Laurel to have a look. This year the windows are based on the children's book, How Santa Really Works by Alan Snow. They were very cute and animated. Two of the elves were also having a conversation about Birmingham, Alabama so I had to love that. (Hello, Family in Birmingham!!)