But seriously, thanks to everyone for your support during Movember!!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thanks for the Support!!
Movember is coming to an end. Really it's none too soon. The moustache has had an effect on Matt so much so that he was considering a career change. There was an opening for a football coach in Clanton, Alabama Public School Number 29. He thought he might be perfect. Coach Clarke!
I was a bit more worried about him taking up permanent residence on Lygon Street(Melbourne's Little Italy). Maybe he could be an extra in Underbelly the 1940's. 
But seriously, thanks to everyone for your support during Movember!!
But seriously, thanks to everyone for your support during Movember!!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Christmas Decorations
Much like
Marshall Field's in Chicago, Myer has the big window displays for Christmas. We went downtown with Barry and Laurel to have a look. This year the windows are based on the children's book, How Santa Really Works by Alan Snow. They were very cute and animated. Two of the elves were also having a conversation about Birmingham, Alabama so I had to love that. (Hello, Family in Birmingham!!)
We also went over to Docklands to check out the new ferris wheel, the Southern S
tar, that is due to open soon. It looks like the London Eye but is a little bit smaller (a big point of irritation with Matt). For me the Eye was an exercise in terror. It was a beautiful view but my serious fear of heights made it really un-fun. I probably won't be rushing out to repeat the experience on the Southern Star.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Thanksgiving in Australia
is weekend started off with some lovely spring weather including a hail storm. Just when Matt and I were attempting to leave the house to go see our niece, Natarsha, in her first ballet recital loads of ice pellets decided to fall out of the sky. Still, off we went and Natrsha was lovely as both a snowflake and a teddy bear. The little ones are always so cute. One little guy in her dance number decided instead of dancing he would do everyone a favor and pick up all the sequins on the floor. Very cute.
We also went to see an exhibit of Graeme Base's work. He makes the most beautiful
children's books. Good news for the gallery because his work is selling like crazy. I saw in an interview it takes him 2 years to make a book. His work is so super detailed it was great to see the originals. I had never seen Uno's Garden. Now it's my favorite of all his books.

Sunday was o
ur "Thanksgiving" here in Australia which we celebrated at Nick and Rebecca's. Nick, being the head of the household, was given the ever so stressful task of carving the turkey. He did a wonderful job especially for a first timer. I am patting myself on the back because this is the first time after many, many tries my sweet potato casserole was successful and not soupy...YAY ME!!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Studley Park
Bosley was visiting on Saturday so we decided to take hi
m for a walk down to Studley Park along the Yarra River. The weather was perfect and cool enough to keep the flies away. Australia's biggest draw back is the fly population especially anywhere near water. We took two walking paths on either side of Kanes Bridge which is suspension bridge that was originally built in 1929 but swept away by flood in 1934. It was rebuilt in 1935 by Unemployed Relief Scheme Workers. It's hard to imagine a massive flood during a drought.
There were loads of
birds everywhere especially rosellas. I still get excited to watch all the different kinds of parrots flying around. I guess it's like when Matt sees squirrels since there aren't squirrels in Australia. I didn't see too many wild parrots flying around in the States.
Some of the trees were chock-a-block full of holes. There
were a lot of butterflies around so I thought it must have been caterpillars so I went on the hunt. I love to look for bugs. I was wrong. It wasn't caterpillars reeking havoc but a tiny little beetle.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Historic Woodlands Park
n an effort to be more economical, Matt and I have taken to going to parks and having "sausage sizzles" (aka grilling sausages on park provided BBQs) and having picnics in lieu of going out to eat. We went to the Historic Woodlands Park this weekend and picnicked beside a dried out creek bed. There were loads of different birds including one so small when I first saw it I thought it was a dragonfly. Around dusk hundreds of kangaroos come out of the bush and have a little hop around.
After the picnic we went up to see the old homestead which was built around 1840 and now also has another area called Living Legends whic
h is home to some of Australia's finest retired racehorses. These horses were so massive and beautiful. My favorite was Might and Power. He won 15 of his 33 race starts including the Melbourne Cup and won $5,226,286 in prize money. Nowadays, he likes to get pats and eat grass.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Matt is Rocking the 'Stache for men's health! It's Movember (month formerly know as November) here in Australia. Men grow out their moustaches and raise money to fight prostate cancer and depression in men. If you want to donate to the Moustache cause click here. https://www.movember.com/au/donate/donate-details.php?action=sponsorlink®o=1875941&country=au
Thanks to Anna and Mary for making the first donations. This is an international event so you guys in America and all over can also Grow That Mo!! I will be posting pictures of Matt's 'Stache status. 
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Yesterday was Melbourne Cup Day which equals a day off from work in Victoria. WooHoo!! We weren't going to the races so I suggested doing something new...go see some koalas. I am addicted to them. I love them. I did feel a little like I was cheating on Elliott going to a different animal sanctuary but I have heard a lot about Healsville and wanted to check it out. We dr
ove up into the Yarra Valley which is wine country and gorgeous. We stopped by Yering Station which is Victoria's oldest winery. There was a sculpture exhibition taking place all over the grounds. There were little wooden men/ monstrous creatures that I liked. I should have written down the artist's name and the title because I can't remember for sure but I think it was called "The Damned" and then had something about Hieronymus Bosch. How is that for remembering the details??

We headed
on up to Healsville and the first thing we saw when we got there was a BIG koala (cheesy tourist photo YAY!) I did learn alot more about my favorite Australians. I have been corrected many, many times for calling a koala a bear. I know, I know! They are marsupials, not bears. Their closest actual relative is the wombat. Both wombats and koalas have hard cartilage plates in the backsides. The wombat u
ses hers for defense against predators. With her plated behind the wombat can squish any predator that tries to enter her burrow. The koala's is for comfort. The plate makes it much easier to sit on small branches for long periods of time. The other popular misconception is that eucalyptus makes koalas drunk. It is not true. Eucalyptus doesn't contain a whole lot of nourishment. Koalas appear drunk or lazy because they have developed a low energy lifestyle to compensate for their extremely low energy diet. Hamish the koala was out and about and doing some bellowing (or the koala mating call). It sounds like loud, grunty burping but I hear the lady koalas love it.

sville Sanctuary has been around since the 1930's and cares for over 1500 injured or orphaned wild animals every year. They have done a lot of work with the platypus including building special platypusaries which are integral for breeding. On November 5, 1943, "Corrie" the platypus was born. Although other scientists and sanctuaries have tried to breed platypus in captivity, no one has bred and reared a platypus until 1999 when Healesville Sanctuary had success again.

The best part of the visit to the
sanctuary was the Birds of Prey show (and it takes something pretty special to beat the koalas). The show focuses on Australian raptors which are birds that catch prey with their claws. I thought Bernice, the Black Breasted Buzzard would be the show stealer. Bernice did a little demonstration showing how she uses a rock to break open an egg and get some food. Emu eggs are a favorite of Black Breasted Buzzards in the wild. I was sure Bernice would be my favorite but no. Out came the Wedge-tailed Eagle, one of the largest birds of prey in the world. She was massive (the girl wedge-tails are bigger than the boys). So, she's flying around and I am taking pictures when Woohoo she
is coming right towards us. Whoosh and wack! She flew right over our heads hitting the side of my face with her wing. It was really cool if not a little scary. She was beautiful. All of the birds were trained to return to there homes when the audience clapped. After the birdshow we went searching for the Lyrebird but even in an enclosed space I couldn't see one. I don't know if I will ever see a Lyrebird in real life but hopefully someday.

Sunday, November 2, 2008
Halloween BBQ
Saturday was our Halloween BBQ in the Rocketship park. We had a fantastic ti
me! There was a high concentration of bumblebees (not the little flying kind but the human variety). The weather was nice and overcast but I somehow managed to come home looking like a lobster. Must buy sunscreen.

I had a great time
making lots of Halloween treats like chocolate witches hats, orange rice crispie treats and witch finger cookies.
The pinata was the high light for the kids. As a child I saw
at least one incident with a pinata stick so I was prepared for safety steps in the pinata arena. I did have to duck and weave a few times to keep from getting belted in the head. I however did forget about the feeding frenzy that occurs after the pinata has been destroyed and the candy goes flying everywhere. Good times!
For my last Halloween-y thing for 2008 here is an illustration called Trick-or-Treaters from one of (I think) the best illustrators ever, Gris Grimly. To see more of his work visit www.madcreator.com. 

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