Friday, June 20, 2008
5 wasted minutes
I was all excited to go to an art opening with Matt last night. I even made a new skirt. I had read about some artist run galleries and longing for my Charcoll friends I looked happily on the event. I think from the time we parked the car, went in the front door, thru the gallery and out the back door we were there for five minutes...ok, maybe seven. Matt's quote, "I ha
ve never seen such a high concentration of wankers in my life." Another five minutes of life wasted looking at boards painted black and leaning against the wall and sequined fabric draped thru a noose. Not that anyone was even looking at the work. What has happened to the art world? Maybe I am the simpleton wanting some level of craftsmanship and skill involved and god forbid something be aesthetically interesting!! It's all very upsetting. I miss Zsofi and Elizabeth!! I read the artists statement and it was full of the usual talk. Funnily enough the morning of the show my Mom and I were talking about art buzz words that make us cringe. I can't stand "existential" and she has problems with "fluid". He wins points for using fluid in his statement. I blame it all on Jackson Pollock!!! I CAN'T STAND JACKSON POLLOCK!!!!!!!!!!!! I have looked at the galleries website and it looks like they have had some good shows in the past so may be will try again sometime but must do more research on the artist before. So, that's my little rant. Matt took me and my new skirt out for gelato on Lygon Street so the night ended up just lovely anyway.