Thursday, September 27, 2007


Mick and Bec have been wanting to have a Tapas night since they got back from their grand tour of Europe. We decided it would be fun to do as sort of a send off night since I am leaving. Bec and I went down to the Victoria Market which is the most fabulous place for fresh fish, veggies, meats and cheeses to collect all of our ingredients. She had picked up a recipe book in Spain and we went through it picking out the dishes that sounded delicious and relatively low maintenance....or so we thought.

We started cooking around 2pm. As soon as Mick and Matt arrived in the kitchen we put them to work as well. Every dish minus one had clove upon clove of garlic in it so you can imagine the wonderful aroma permeating throughout the house. We made meatballs with raisins, asparagus wrapped in prosciutto, shrimp in a chili sauce, brie and ham sandwiched in between two pieces of eggplant then battered and deep fried, potatoes with a garlic sauce and mushrooms stuffed with chorizo.

Mick was in charge of the fryer. Bec was madly stirring and chopping. Matt had a kind of assembly line going and figured out how to use the swift chopper.

While I attacked the biggest eggplant I have ever seen.

With everyone helping we had all of our dishes finished by 6:30. With out sounding boastful I will say we created a tapas masterpiece. Everything was SOOOO GOOOD!!! There were lots of happy eating noises coming from the table. It was great fun too! It's always fun cooking with friends. I read once on a Norwegian sausage making website that the real fun happened in the kitchen while food was cooking, the wine was flowing and lies and stories were being told.

This will probably be my last post from Australia but I think I will keep up this blogging thing. I really enjoy writing about all my little adventures. Thanks to everyone here in OZ who has made this such a fantastic time for me!!!!