y Easter weekend started off beautifully when my new team leader a
t work came in with hot cross buns. This is the first time I tried one of these traditional Easter fruit buns and while not my favorite thing in the world it was nice to kick off the Easter weekend with something traditionally Australian.
The rest of the weekend we planned to do something not so traditionally me...go ca

mping. I haven't been camping since I was about 11 and really never thought I would be too keen to get in a tent again. But then my friend Sophia asked if we wanted to go to Omeo and camp and for some reason I said yes. So Matt borrowed a tent, we packed up the car and drove up to the High Country. We drove up through Gippsland to the Great Alpine Road which is a beautiful drive up into

the Alpine Region of Victoria. We stopped for a delicious country bakery meat pie. Yummmmmm!!!! For some reason the country bakeries are always so much better. Along the way I noticed there were quite a few stuffed people. Not people stuffed with country bakery pie but "stuffed" people. Very popular in the high country!!
Our campsite was the bottom of a lovely valley right behind the main street of Omeo.

I don't know if it was because we were in a BMW or our tents were a tilting a little but a few people asked if we need some help. Everyone was really friendly. We got a camp fire going (in a fire drum of course!! Must be really careful out in the bush) and settled in for a lovely night of sizzling sausages and relaxing around the fire. Some of our camping neighbors came over to have a drink with us and told us all about relocating from a small town in Scotland.
The next

morning was the main event for the year in Omeo...the Omeo Rodeo. This is another thing I never thought I would do but I must say it was not only fun but educational. I only thought bad things about rodeos from all of my PETA days but minus the bull riding it is just a display of all the things that cowboys/girls have to be good at to do their job. You have to be able to break a wild horse, you have to be able to ride horses reall

y well, you have to be able to lasso a cow. While I'm not so sure about needing to bull ride the bulls didn't seem too upset after the eight seconds (if the rider was lucky) was over. They just trotted off and ate some grass.
We he

aded off to the local pub and met some more entertaining people. Lots of Cowboys and Cowgirls!! Again, everyone was very friendly. A few of the girls we met had worked in the States as nannies. We had a really great time and the view was awesome.
Some how there are always reminders of home. I asked this fellow why he was wearing a Jacksonville shirt and

he told me because it was 16.99 at the local Big W (aka Wal-Mart). Fair enough!

morning we woke up to the sounds of a very early rising rooster followed by kookaburras laughing away, then a general chorus of native birds. The ground was always scattered with fresh roo droppings so I knew they were around but didn't see any until Easter morning. As I went running up the hill to get a better look in my pajamas and Easter Bunny ears (Matt said I probably really confused the kangaroo in my ears) I noticed the ground was covered in purple thistles, my favorite flowers.
We cooked up eggs and sausages over the fire for Easter b

reakfast. Of course the Easter Bilby was smart enough to find us out in the bush and brought over some chocolate Easter eggs. After playing with Millie, our neighbor puppy, we packed up our tents and headed back down the Mountains.
There was on

e more spot for some good ol' tourist pictures on the way home. The Spud Shed near Trafalgar has GIANT potatoes with GIANT forks sticking into them. Matt just begged me to stop and get a picture. He just loves cheesy tourist shots.